We introduced a new project on Georgian television
Anne-May Nagel, co-founder of the Crisis Research Centre, and Giga Phartenadze, head of the Georgian NGO Supreme Youth Council, presented our first international project Triangle Post-Crisis Learning (TPCL) on Georgian television.
On February 14, we presented our recently launched cooperation project on Georgian Ajara TV channel.
Since 2020, crisis preparedness and management has received a lot of attention, but it is also important to think about what happens after a crisis. “In the maelstrom of crises, stabilisation and mitigation are the most sought-after goals, and this should be the main objective of crisis management, but post-crisis management is equally important for analysis and learning. Coming out of crises it is important to ask how we did, whether our plans worked and what could be done better next time. These questions and answers will help to systematically build both crisis management and prevention capacity,” said Anne-May Nagel, project manager for the Estonian side of the initiative, via web bridge.
The project will bring together representatives of 12 local organisations from Sweden, Georgia, Estonia. “The participants of our project will first go through an online module focusing on different aspects of post-crisis management, with an important focus on sharing their experiences. There will also be a meeting in each country, where local actors will map the factors supporting and hindering post-crisis learning,” said Giga Phartenadze, project manager of the Georgia side.
You can watch the newsreel about the project introduction in here.
Malmö University will be the main partner of the TPCL project, which main activities will be carried out within spring 2024. The project is funded by the Swedish Institute.
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