Code of ethics
The NGO Crisis Research Centre is guided in its activities by the general Code of Ethics of the Estonian nonprofit society organizations and the codes of ethics of the professional organisations of the professionals involved.
Democratic governance and functioning
1. The NGO Crisis Research Centre has a clear and understandable mission: to popularise and develop the field of crisis management.
2. In carrying out its mission the NGO Crisis Research Centre is guided by its statutes, internal documents and operating standards.
3. As a voluntary association, the NGO Crisis Research Centre ensures the democratic governance of the organisation.
4. The NGO Crisis Research Centre sees people’s involvement and volunteering as the cornerstone of civil society and values citizens and their volunteering.
5. The NGO Crisis Research Centre consistently strives for skilful action, professionalism and excellence to achieve impact.
6. The NGO Crisis Research Centre uses the funds it receives from projects, supporters and donors for its activities in a purposeful and targeted manner.
Civic courage and care
1. The NGO Crisis Research Centre uses civic courage to tackle sectoral deficiencies in society and works with other interested organisations to do so.
2. The NGO Crisis Research Centre, seeing incompetence and injustice in laws and other legislation and in their implementation and creation, will use advocacy to influence processes where necessary.
Sustainability and prudence in using funds and resources
1. In seeking to achieve its goals the NGO Crisis Research Centre uses natural, human and intellectual resources, as well as material and financial assets with sustainability and prudence, considering the needs of both present and future generations.
2. The NGO Crisis Research Centre in its capacity as both applicant and donor, complies with generally accepted funding principles, uses only justified and transparent budgets and avoids duplication in funding.
Responsibility and accountability
1. The NGO Crisis Research Centre is accountable its activities and is responsible to the founders, members, stakeholders, supporters, donors and the general public.
2. The NGO Crisis Research Centre considers important readiness to account for its activities, achieved through professional management, internal accountability and pursuing generally accepted accounting principles.
3. The NGO Crisis Research Centre discloses a report of its activities and finances at least once a year.
Openness and transparency
1. Information regarding the mission, membership, activities and funding of the NGO Crisis Research Centre are public and understandable, its activities transparent.
2. The NGO Crisis Research Centre communicates in an open and direct manner with all parties concerned and does not act anonymously.
3. The NGO Crisis Research Centre is open to new and diversified ideas and opinions, as well as cooperation in achieving common goals.
Independence and avoiding conflicts of interest
1. The NGO Crisis Research Centre is independent in setting its goals, decisions and activities and refrains from being controlled by political parties, public institutions or companies, resulting in losing its independence, autonomy and ability to act for the public benefit.
2. The NGO Crisis Research Centre and persons involved therein prevent from entering in the conflict of interest. In the event of a conflict of interest the necessary measures to eliminate such conflict of interest must be applied
Honouring commitments and recognition of authorship of ideasa
1. The NGO Crisis Research Centre honours all written contracts and oral agreements.
2. The NGO Crisis Research Centre honours the authorship and ownership of ideas and projects of other organizations.
1. The NGO Crisis Research Centre recognizes the diversity of ways of thought, organizations and their goals.
2. In protecting its opinions and discussing those of other organizations the NGO Crisis Research Centre does not disparage or slander other organizations, their opinions or persons operating therein.
The NGO Crisis Research Centre was established in 2022 with the aim of popularising and developing the field of crisis management in a research-based manner and to initiate public debates in the field.
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