We launched the Crisis Skills Training Programme at Väike-Õismäe

Registration is now open for a free crisis skills training program in civil defence in Väike-Õismäe! You are warmly invited to join the free Saturday sessions – together, we can make Väike-Õismäe more resilient to crises.
The programme’s goal is to provide essential knowledge and skills for dealing with crisis situations. In collaboration with experienced professionals in the field, the training sessions will be held on Saturdays in the spring of 2025. The training programme contains the following free training sessions:

1. Mental Health First Aid During a Crisis (in Estonian, trainers from NGO Peaasjad clinical psychologists):

How can we provide immediate emotional and mental support during a crisis – mental health first aid? Mental health first aid, like physical first aid, is accessible to anyone who understands the basic principles of first aid and has completed mental health first aid training. As a result of your participation, you will be able to provide initial support and information to someone with mental health concerns, as well as use basic self-help techniques to support your own mental health. The training sessions will take place on-site for the first day and online for the second day, with a week in between to practise what you’ve learnt.
  • 01.02 on-site training and 08.02 web-based training – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 15.02 on-site training and 22.02 web-based training – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 08.03 on-site training and 15.03 web-based training – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 22.03 on-site training and 29.03 web-based training: registration link 
  • 05.04 on-site training and 12.04 web-based training: registration link 

2. First aid (in Estonian, instructed by paramedic Andrus Lehtmets):

What is the most important thing in first aid, even during a crisis? We’ll review the most common injuries, accidents, and outbreaks to refresh our knowledge. Refreshed skills are essential in times of peace as well as during crises, whether natural or man-made, such as those in Ukraine. Participants will receive a certificate.

  • 05.04 on-site training (between 11.0018.00) – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 12.04 on-site training (between 11.0018.00) – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 26.04 on-site training (between 11.0018.00) – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 17.05 on-site training (between 11.0018.00): registration link 
  • 24.05 on-site training (between 11.0018.00): registration link 

3. Urban Survival Training (in Estonian, trainers from the paramilitary Women’s Voluntary Defence Organisation):

The Women’s Voluntary Defence Organisation instructors will lead the training, which will be primarily practical. We will learn the fundamental skills required to survive in an urban setting in the event of a serious crisis. We will concentrate on three key areas water, food, and heat.

4. The ABC of Evacuation (in Estonian, trainer from the paramilitary Women’s Voluntary Defence Organisation):

In life, situations may arise where a crisis requires a temporary departure from home. When such an event occurs on a widespread scale due to immediate danger, it is called evacuation. In an online training session, an instructor from the Women’s Voluntary Defence Organisation, Reelika Rohuste, explains what evacuation is, when it is carried out, and what happens during the evacuation process. Additionally, we will discuss what to take with you and how to pack an evacuation GO-bag.

  • 10.02 online training (18.00-19.00) – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 15.02 online training (12.00-13.00) – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 10.03 online training (18.00-19.00) – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 15.03 online training (12.00-13.00) – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 10.04 online training (18.00-19.00): registration link

5. The ABC of Crisis Planning (in Estonian, trainers from the Tallinn Municipal Police):

Where to begin when developing a family crisis plan? If you’re just getting started with crisis preparedness, this is the training for you! Tiina Laube and Jaanika Klopets, experienced crisis preparedness instructors, will provide an overview of how to take meaningful action in crisis preparedness and create a crisis plan tailored to your family’s specific needs.

  • 25.02 Haabersti Action Centre (12.00-13.00) – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 12.03 Haabersti Action Centre (12.30-13.30) – REGISTRATION CLOSED! 
  • 12.03 Haabersti Action Centre (14.00-15.00) – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 27.03 Haabersti Action Centre (18.00-19.00): registration link
  • 03.04 online training (18.00-19.00) – REGISTRATION CLOSED!
  • 10.04 online training (18.00-19.00): registration link
  • 17.04 online training (18.00-19.00): registration link

We invite you to participate to update your crisis skills and better prepare for unexpected situations. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail: katrin.loovili (a) kruk.ee.

🟧🟦 The activities of the K-24 project will be carried out by the Crisis Research Centre, and the implementation of the project activities is supported by the Civil Society Foundation through the Ministry of the Interior.

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