Seniors at Väike-Õismäe settlement receive crisis plan training

With almost 51 100 residents in the Haabersti district, of which almost 12 000 are seniors, the Väike-Õismäe Crisis Skills Training Program in association with the Tallinn Municipal Police will also provide crisis skills training for seniors.

The K-24 crisis skills training programme of the Väike-Õismäe civil protection project of the Crisis Research Centre especially addresses both individual and community-based crisis skills. Three on-site trainings in Estonian and Russian starting in February have been conducted; another one is scheduled for March. The initiative will run three online training sessions in April for which registration is still open.

Specialists from the Municipal Police lead the Crisis Plan training courses in addition to their theoretical knowledge; they also offer pragmatic advice on how to handle crises and reduce risks. The instruction will teach how to remain composed, guarantee family safety, and apply local aid strategies. It will also address public space security, how to spot frauds, and emergency official communication. Advice on how to better plan daily activities during crises and what steps to take to avoid the unanticipated will be provided to the participants.

Registration is now open for the upcoming crisis planning training sessions.

We invite you to participate to update your crisis skills and better prepare for unexpected situations. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail: katrin.loovili (a)

🟧🟦 The activities of the K-24 project will be carried out by the Crisis Research Centre, and the implementation of the project activities is supported by the Civil Society Foundation through the Ministry of the Interior.

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